Graduate Program of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management
教學目標與特色 Aims and Features
Tourism and recreation industry is an emerging industry leading economic development and an important source of economic vitality. However, the development of tourism and recreation industry has some negative effects on the physical environment, society/culture and economic development. Industry development and prospect is difficult to be optimistic if we failure to follow the concept of sustainable development and integrate it into the processes of tourism and recreation planning, development and operation. This program was established in 2008 (formerly known as the Graduate Institute of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management).We are the first tourism and recreation institute that emphasizes on the sustainability as our core value in Taiwan. Since our establishment, we have cultivated numerous excellent talents and professionals for related industries, government authorities and education institutions. In order to comply with University development plan and conform to industrial development trend, this program was officially renamed as the “Graduate Program of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management” in 2011 to provide more diverse and excellent teaching faculties.
課程規劃Curriculum Planning
The curriculum planning of this program is based on the sustainable development as our core value. Our curriculum covers tourism management and recreation management modules. We hope to cultivate tourism and recreation management talents and professionals with the concept of sustainable development. Graduate students have to complete 33 credits (including 12 credits for required courses) and master thesis. We also provide numerous elective courses. Graduate students can take these elective courses according to their research topics and future development
※升學: 本碩士班學生畢業之後可以報考國內外觀光旅遊、休閒遊憩與餐旅管理相關博士班就讀。
※就業: 本碩士班期許成為全國首屈一指之觀光與遊憩管理專業人才培育機構,造就一流專業人才進入公私部門服務,藉以提升產業專業經營管理與觀光政策規劃執行之人力。諸如,遊樂園區、觀光旅館、旅遊服務、休閒農業、度假中心、觀光工廠、自然教育中心與觀光行政機構。此外,亦可配合整體觀光發展趨勢,自行開創事業。